Katy L. Stamper is a practicing attorney based in Woodstock, Georgia. Currently, her practice consists primarily of Wills, Small Business, Probate and Divorce cases. During her career, Miss Stamper has also done appellate and citizen taxpayer cases, both in Floyd and Cherokee counties of the state of Georgia, for other attorneys and her own clients.
Katy began her college education at West Georgia College in Carrollton, continued it while in the Army at Cochise College in Sierra Vista, Arizona, and completed it at Emory in Atlanta. She is a 1986 graduate of the University of Georgia School of Law.
Upon graduation from law school, Katy clerked for a superior court judge in Rome, Georgia, the Honorable John A. Frazier, Jr. Subsequently, she ran for a Rome state house seat as a Libertarian.
Born in Texas, Miss Stamper has been a resident of Georgia since age 12.
Katy L. Stamper, The Simple Wills Attorney
Katy L. Stamper, L.L.C.
P.O. Box 175
Woodstock (Cherokee County), Georgia 30188
Phone: 770-928-1896